District Institute of Education and Training-Solan (H.P.)

Improving the quality of elementary education
Process and Performance Indicators
Suggested Process Indicators
There are 12 DIETs functioning in Himachal Pradesh. DIETs are mainly engaged in Pre-service training of teachers for Primary schools. In-service training programme for untrained teachers and implementation of various interventions under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan/Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan. DIETs in H.P have been made nodal agency to implement SSA/RMSA. Since its launching along with supporting staff of SSA/RMSA in accounts and MIS Wings. DIETs are maintaining detailed data base on schools, teacher, BRCs & CRCs level with assistance of MIS Wing established under SSA in r/o elementary education as well as of secondary & higher secondary level.
Teachers training needs are identified by the DIETs for Primary, Upper Primary & secondary level teachers and school administrators and prepare plans for teacher trainings under SSA/RMSA every year.
At present there is only one CTE and no IASE in the State. DIETs have been assigned the responsibility of training component under RMSA.
Two year JBT course conducted through DIETs in H.P is very popular among student teachers as they are being absorbed in the department immediate after competition of the course.
In service teacher training programme conducted for elementary school teacher and school administrators under SSA/RMSA through DIETS have positive results at elementary & secondary level.
Consequent upon implementation of RTE Act 2009, DIETs are providing continuous resource support to school administrators, CRCs, BRCs, and other block and district level educational functionaries in the implementation of the act.
DIETs have In-service & Pre-Service teacher training management system. Every teacher at Primary, Upper Primary & Secondary level teacher gets minimum of 5 days training under SSA/RMSA.
Research studies, action research and various surveys are taken up by the DIET faculty under SSA and covers teacher training, innovations & DISE analysis etc.
DIETs faculty attends faculty development programme organized by NCERT, NUEPA, RIE etc.
Faculty members within DIETs meet frequently.
Suggested Performance Indicators
DIET faculty visit at least 40 to 50 schools in a quarter to monitor SSA/RMSA, MDM, impact of teachers training, innovations etc.
At present 40 functional computers & photo state machines, internet facility email IDs are provided in DIETs through SSA.
Output Measures
DIET faculty visit at least 40 to 50 schools in a quarter to monitor SSA/RMSA, MDM, impact of teachers training, innovations etc.
TET has been made compulsory for Primary teachers & Upper Primary teachers in HP from 2012-13 and TETs are being conducted by HP Board of School Education every year.
DIET faculty prepare teacher training module for primary, upper primary , secondary level teachers and school administrators on subject specific and general training under SSA/RMSA at State level.

District Institute of Education and Training (DIET)
DIETs are nodal institution for improving the quality of elementary education in the districts and are mandated to transact Pre-service and In-service training programme for elementary school teachers. Responsibility of DIETs have been increased manyfold on account of implementation of RTE act 2009, RMSA, NCF 2005, ICT interventions, innovative practices and academic planning in the district.
Role of DIETs in the new scheme:
DIET would continue to be nodal institutions at the district level to transact pre-service and in-service training for elementary school teachers.
DIET will also be responsible for in-service training of secondary school teachers under RMSA, if there is no CTE.
DIET would also organise and support teacher professional development and leadership development programs for Head Masters, senior teachers, and School Management Committees on a continued basis.
DIET would serve as an Education Resource Centre for the district in conjunction with BRCs, CRCs.
Addressing district specific material development, action research programs for special groups in the District.
Developing district academic plans and monitoring the quality of schools and teaching.
Designing interventions for direct support to schools and work with special groups in the district.