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District Institute of Education and Training-Solan (H.P.)

Improving the quality of elementary education

Principal's Message

"All of us do not have equal talent. But, all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents."
- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Teacher education is a process to equip teachers with knowledge, attitudes, behavior and skills that are required to perform their tasks effectively in class, school and community. DIET Solan (HP) is one of the leading teacher training institutes that focus on teacher development through continuous training, extension and research. I am honoured and feel very privileged to be the Head of this iconic institution, where every stakeholder is a learner and everyday is an opportunity to learn and discover. I believe in upholding standards with an absolute commitment to strive to understand and to improve the educational process using team strategies. This institution is committed to provide academic and resource support to schools, teachers and community. With the hard work and teamwork of highly qualified and efficient faculties in the institute, the DIET could accomplish the entrusted duties with pleasure. Even during the adverse situation of COVID pandemic in this year, the DIET made its name heard in every sphere of education in the district by giving leadership in carrying out innovative programmes like Har Ghar Pathshala and many other such interventions, addressing the need of the time. Let’s expect many more promising contributions to the general education in Himachal Pradesh as a whole and in District Solan in particular from the DIET team. I wish the best fortune, peace and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of spreading education and manifest qualities, aims and objectives.
Dr. Shiv Kumar Sharma
Principal DIET-cum-DPO
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