District Institute of Education and Training-Solan (H.P.)

Improving the quality of elementary education
SMC Training
Education is a three-pronged activity, one is the school, second the student and third the parents/community. SMC is a form of community interaction and involvement in school functioning. SMC works towards enhancing parents community participation in the school functioning and provide mechanism for more effective management at school level.
The Right To Education ACT of 2009, which ensures free and compulsory education to children of the country, has been lauded as a landmark in the history of India. the Act also enumerates the role of the School Management Committee(SMC) as a very important component of school education. to provide for the participation of the parents in the governance of the academics and activities of the school, the RTE Act has empowered the SMC.
The duration of the SMC in the state of HP is three years. Four Shiksha Samwads are organized in the schools. SMC members are trained about their rights and duties through District level and block level trainings.
Activities performed till now( in the year 2021)-
1) e-PTM (5th - 8th June, 2021) : e-PTM organized in all the govt. schools of the state from 5th June to 8th June 2021.